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Striking Down Roe v. Wade Will Set a Dangerous Precedent for Reproductive Rights in the US

Protests began outside the Supreme Court at the news that they may vote to repeal Roe v. Wade

Leaked documents at the turn of May 2022 have indicated that the US Supreme Court is set to strike down its 1973 decision to uphold abortion as a constitutional right for women. Should the decision, which is set to be finalised this summer, be confirmed, 28 states will likely enact regressive moves to stop it. Many will outrightly ban it.

This decision throws the future of reproductive and women’s rig

Turkey's Economic Meltdown: 'Erdoganomics' and Spiralling Inflation

Turkey faces an economic meltdown as a result of Erdogan’s dismal macro-economic competency. The annual inflation rate has soared following a crash in value of the Lira last year and has been compounded by rising commodity prices. These issues are anticipated to only worsen in the face of Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine. Turkey’s inflation crisis is a direct consequence of Erdogan’s efforts to centralise power, and therefore this article will explore how Erdogan has brought the country to the b

2022 Midterms: An Evaluation of Biden’s Presidency and Democratic-Controlled Congress

The US midterm elections in November this year are a test as to whether the Democrats can retain their slim majority in both houses of Congress. They are an evaluation of Biden’s presidency and a referendum on the Democrat-controlled government. With the midterms just nine months away, the Democrats are yet to confront pressing questions that urgently need addressing and unequivocally define what their party stands for.

The Democrats were already forecast to oversee a rocky election year, as th

Russo-American Antagonism: NATO, Ukraine, and Diplomatic Impasse

Russian militarisation around Ukraine has provoked antagonism with the United States, signalling a return of the tense debacle between the two superpowers. Crucial bilateral talks held on January 10th of Russia and the US over the future of NATO and the issue of military deployments across Eastern Europe. This impasse has heightened tensions, particularly in the wake of suspicions that Russia intends to invade Ukraine. Ukraine has been excluded from these negotiations, however, entrenching it in

Iran and Israel: a Strained Relationship

Iran and Israel’s relationship has become enormously strained in recent months, particularly after the collapse of the Iran nuclear deal, as Iran’s quest for nuclear powers has complicated affairs between the two Middle Eastern powers.

Israel regards Iran as posing an existential threat to its armed and nuclear prestige, and has warned that it will act with military force to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, Iran insists its nuclear programme exists only for peaceful rati

The Shape of the French Left and Upcoming Elections: The Last Chance for Unity

With elections in France looming, the left – previously a potent force within French politics – is , which is concerning as many experts and supporters argue that the road to victory . In a nation that is ideologically moving to the right , the left has lacked a voice regarding contentious issues, and The left has also been unsuccessful in making the most of and , which would have been an opportunity to capitalise on electoral support.

The bleak position of the French left prior to April’s pres

The Middle East Faces Tough Tests In Its Retreat From Oil

The Gulf petrostates derive their economic prosperity from the extraction of fossil fuels and the fossil fuel industry’s codified nature in both regional and national power structures. Greenhouse gas emissions have tripled globally over the last 30 years, and the Middle East is warming at double the world average and could be four degrees warmer by 2050, way over the 1.5 degrees target. This article is concerned with whether the region will adhere to the internationally-agreed set of policy prom

US Climate Backsliding: Self-Sabotage For Its Role As Global Green Leader?

Joe Biden’s climate agenda will be put to the test as a critical UN climate change conference draws near. The US is lagging behind in its responsibility to show it is serious about enacting climate legislation and integrating clean energy investment into the financial system, finally beginning the green overhaul. Over four years of US absence from global climate negotiations regarding the reduction of emissions have left a large void in the international community's initiative and credibility. T

US Foreign Policy in Disarray: What’s Next?

It is becoming harder to recall when the US actually had foreign policy achievements, as America’s chaotic domestic politics are debilitating its foreign policy. Two decades of war following 9/11 culminated with America handing back Afghanistan to the unchanged fundamentalist force that controlled Afghanistan at the outset of the “War on Terror”, the Taliban. The Iraq War, battled on false pretences, was not only a diversion from Afghanistan, but morphed into an exorbitantly-priced catastrophe.

US Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Afghans Suffer Taliban Rule Again 20 Years On

Predictably, the rapid unravelling of Afghanistan has created reverberations regarding American credibility, as they and allied forces desire to give up on what they perceive is a failed project. This may define Biden’s presidency, as achievements in Afghanistan are rapidly evaporating under his radar. The Taliban's recent advance has reinforced the sense that American support is no longer boundless, and that the notion that the US cannot be relied on in the long-run is starting to become astoun